
Mitzi Perdue

Board Member
Mitzi Perdue holds a BA with honors from Harvard University and an MPA from the George Washington University.  She is a past president of the 35,000-member American Agri-Women. She is also a former syndicated columnist for Scripps Howard, and her column, The Environment and You, was the most widely syndicated environmental column in the country in the 1990s. She was also a commissioner for the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science.

Her television series, Country Magazine, was syndicated to 76 stations. Mitzi is the founder of CERES Farms, the second-generation family-owned vineyards that sell wine grapes to wineries such as Mondavi, Kendall-Jackson, Bogle, Folie a Deux, and Toasted Head.

Mitzi has been to Ukraine three times since the Full Scale Invasion and has had more than 100 articles published in outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Newsweek. She has also been on more than 200 podcasts about her times in Ukraine.  The interviews for many of her articles were conducted in bomb shelters in cities under active attack.

She believes that democracy is the best system ever devised for creating happiness and encouraging prosperity.