Frontlines of Freedom TV

Join us as we hear from people combating tyrants directly as well as those shilling for them in the Free World.

Join us as we hear from people combating tyrants directly as well as those shilling for them in the Free World.

About Your Host: Evan Mawarire

Evan Mawarire helped bring down a dictator in his native Zimbabwe. He has fought for freedom and has the scars to prove it.

A pastor in his homeland, Evan launched the #ThisFlag movement in 2016—starting a chain of events that ended with the downfall of strongman Robert Mugabe after nearly forty years in power. For his activism, Evan was named one of Foreign Policy magazine’s Top 100 Global Thinkers.

But it wasn’t an easy path. Evan was jailed, tortured, and eventually exiled. But this hasn’t stopped him. Fighting for democracy has become his life’s work. Having started with fighting Zimbabwe’s dictator, at RDI, Evan is now fighting dictators and their supporters everywhere.