Dreams Beyond My Handcuffs

July 18, 2022

Dreams Beyond My Handcuffs

The Tiananmen Square massacre of June 4th 1989 killed thousands, but as Fengsuo reveals, his arrest and torture for organizing the protest failed to kill something even more powerful.

Dreams Beyond My Handcuffs

Frontlines of Freedom

As the Chinese military opened fire on the peaceful protestors in Tiananmen Square on June 4th 1989, thousands died and many were arrested. On the government’s published list of twenty one identified organizers, Zhou Fengsuo was named as the fifth most wanted person. Following his arrest, he was kept in a prison and handcuffed day and night for three months before being locked away for one year under extremely harsh conditions. For Zhou Fengsuo this was not the end. Despite the horrible encounters he has pursued his dream with hope and one might even say a dose of cunningness.