Still Looking For Mom

July 11, 2022

Still Looking For Mom

Mu Sochua unpacks her epic journey of going back home to Cambodia - a nation that brutally executed her parents. She finds herself in the thick of fighting for change.

Still Looking For Mom

Frontlines of Freedom

When the Khmer Rouge (Communist Party of Kampuchea led regime) decreed a complete reset of the nation of Cambodia, everyone who was deemed educated was killed in a brutal genocide. Mu Sochua survived because her parents sent her out of the country – that was the last time she saw them. After 20 years in exile and with her own daughters in tow, Mu Sochua went back to face the killers of her parents, to find justice and bring closure. What she finds and embarks on however, is a whole new mission with highs and lows that deplete and fulfill one’s strength in equal measures. We talk about her regrets, her legacy and her hope that defiantly remains – even after recently being sentenced to 36 years in prison in absentia.