“We Only Have One Life To Live”

August 1, 2022

“We Only Have One Life To Live”

Born in a concentration camp, Nury Turkel devoted his life to freeing his native Uyghurs from genocide. He speaks on his experiences and how we too can stop running from what we fear the most.

“We Only Have One Life To Live”

Frontlines of Freedom

Whilst in the second trimester of her pregnancy, a woman is detained and kept in a soviet style gulag. Her husband is sent to a brutal labor camp. She gives birth to a son in captivity whose first encounter with life is imprisonment for the ‘crime’ of being born a Uyghur – like his father. Nury Turkel grows up with a deep sense of seeking freedom and justice for his people and that becomes a compass whose direction he could not ignore. Listening to Nury one can’t help but be drawn by his resolve and determination to stop running and fight for himself, his family and millions of people whom he will never meet. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how Nury offers his horrific story as a solid framework for you and i to keep standing when it’s all but easier to just give up.