“We Were Tired Of Coffins” – Bolivia🇧🇴

August 15, 2022

“We Were Tired Of Coffins” – Bolivia🇧🇴

As the Amazon forests burn, young Jhanisse Vaca-Daza steps up to confront the dictatorship. She inspires a wave of creative change-makers who show us that sometimes you just do what you gotta do

“We Were Tired Of Coffins” – Bolivia🇧🇴

Frontlines of Freedom

Rios de Pie (Standing Rivers) is a citizen action movement that was started by 4 young friends in the nation of Bolivia. Torn by the environmental degradation of the Amazon forest by their own government, they come together to figure out what to do about it. The strategies they decided upon were unusual but they resonated and even ended up protesting (sometimes in funny and creative ways) the destruction of democracy too. Jhanisse and her friends show us that there comes a time when we just gotta step up and do what needs to be done. Definitely a David and Goliath story.