Why Finland is Prepared for War

October 27, 2022

Why Finland is Prepared for War

General Ben Hodges joins RDI for another video in our series on the war in Ukraine

Winter Is Here

Hello All,

Winter is Here will be returning next week with a brand new episode, but in the meantime I have two videos to announce. First, I’d like to introduce the fourth episode of our special series on the war in Ukraine with former Commander of US Army Europe, General Ben Hodges.

General Hodges traveled to Finland, another at-risk Russian neighbor, to discuss how it successfully defended itself against Russian invasion in 1939 and continues to prepare to defend itself again. He explores Finland’s history with Russia to see what Ukraine and other countries in the Free World can learn from Finland’s pragmatic “whole-society” approach toward protecting itself.

And for our second release, we have a timely conversation with Doug Livermore that will come out this Friday. Doug is the Director of Special Programs for the Department of the Navy and a Special Forces Officer in the Army National Guard. He joined RDI to discuss the impending liberation of Kherson after nearly eight months of occupation and what it means for the future of the war.

This work is only possible with the support of our subscribers, so please consider giving here or reaching out to info@rdi.org with any suggestions or thoughts!

All Best,
